Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WIP: Tyranid Coloring Test

I like how this model is coming out for my color scheme for my Tyranids. Still have some detail work to do, but overlal, fairly quick and easy.

Starts with a basic white prime folowed by a coat of Drakenhof Nightshade on the carapace and Mephiston Red over the exposed flesh areas.

Second coat on the carapace, clean up the body with Skull White and then do a heavy wash with Seraphim Sepia over the body. Wallah. 3 color minium, but does need more detail of course and basing.


  1. is the second carapace coat another drakenhof nightshade?

    1. Yes, second coat of drakenhof. Amazing colorization for just a wash IMO.
