Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Newb's Look At 6th Edition - 1st Impressions Part One

6th Edition is about here. Pre-orders started today and this time next week, out with 5th in with the 6th. Personally it will be mid to late July before I pick up my copy due to budget concerns, however I did pick up July's issue of White Dwarf and have been scouring it for as much intel as I can get.

So, some things we know for sure now (ok, some of this was in the rumors, but again these are known now, not rumors):

- You will be able to purchase terrain for your game. I find this interesting, especially for turtle-players who hide in the corner and just shoot everything across the board. Suddenly now you can get barricades, an aegis line, the huge building with AA guns. Seems like a godsend for some players (or perhaps emperor-sent).

- Allies. I am EXCITED about Allies! Some senior players have been trying to inform me that it sucks. Perhaps it does, but for now I LIKE it. Since what little I have and play is more theme and fluff based than competitive, the idea of 2 armies working together really appeals to me. It also gives me the great excuse ofr building up a couple of different armies at the same time. I say this is a win-win situation. Perhaps I will regret it down the road, but for now this ROCKS!

- Fliers. I'm already figuring out ways I can include Storm Talons with Grey Knights (Space Marne Allies) and Ork Bombers with perhaps Dark Eldar (they Dark Eldar needs slaves right?).

- Hull Points. I'm not sure but it seems to me this just may have made vehicles tougher... This is a good thing right? :D

- New cool toys to play with. The Servo Skull tape measure, the munitorium dice and battlefield objective markers. Wewt! Yes, I admit it, I'm a sucker for marketing and these things are just awesome.

- Narrative Play. YES! Call me corny, nerdy, geeky, whatever - I LIKE narrative gaming and from the example battlefield report in White Dwarf, I'm impressed with how GW has seemed to connect with this type of player niche that I know goes on inside all the player's minds, but putting it forth on the table sometimes is left wanting. This to me is a huge step and between this and Allies, might end up keeping me out of competitive play for a while longer. We shall see though, as I am seriously considering the Redstone Rumble in Sept.

So when I finally do get around to picking up 6th in July I am hoping to score a Gamer's Edition with satchel and dice. Would be awe-some.

Anyway enough babbling for now. As the rules hit next week and I get my own ruleset in a couple additional weeks I'll chime in again. For now, all I can say is I'm really excited about what I am seeing.

Last but not least a shout out to Alex and his buddies who stopped in to see me at work tonight and talk 40K shop for a few minutes. Was fun and appreciated. Looking forward to sitting down and playing some 40K with ya'll.

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