Saturday, June 30, 2012

Midnight Release Party 40K Style

It is too early in the morning on a Saturday here, but work calls and it is my own fault. I enjoyed the midnight release party at Bud's Place last night. Was an awesome time. I'm a veteran of many a midnight release party for video games, movies and even some RPG's. This was my first 40K party though and wow I was impressed.

Almost all of the players I have come to enjoy playing with and being around (everyone except 2 players) were there, from my favorite matchups, to friends I've brought into the community, to my mentor who brought me into the community all at the same place at the same time. Was social overkill that was second to none.

It was a blast and very cool to be aorund other players as excited about 6th edition as myself. Now to get myself to work and start reading up on 6th. Sunday is our local Game Day to start discovering the cool things of 6th. Can't wait!

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