Saturday, September 17, 2011

Newb Army A.D.D. Part 4

As discussed in my last post on the subject, I like the idea of building two armies at once and thus leaving me with 3 armies to field when they are done. Granted this means it won't be until late 2012 at the earliest and realistically into 2013. This means that both Dark Eldar and Blood Angels have been pushed off the shelf - for now. I definitely want to play these armies in the future, but since this is the harsh arena of process of elimination, they are gone. For now.

This leaves the choice of building a Chaos Space Marines and a Chaos Demon army together, or building two Space Marine armies together. So which two do I go for? Some things to consider:

  • I already have or will have a Grey Knights army. In both of my options I'm still playing around with Space Marines, though in one I can also play with Demons.
  • Space Marines armies are a dime a dozen, but building them is usually cheaper (according to some).
  • 6th Edition will be out by the time either of these choices are built. Can probably count on these both being updated to 6th edition by the time they are built with new codex's.
  • Both have great support through Forge World and GW shows them all some love.
In the very long run, I expect I will have several armies. So no matter my choice, no matter the armies I've already shelved, I will eventually get around to the ones left behind. I am very drawn to the lore and fluff of the 40K universe and very much into the hobby aspects of it as well. This logically means that as I go forward in the hobby, the better my painting, army building, etc. will become. So with all that in mind, I've decided on my winner...

The Space Marines.

The next step is to decide which two chapters I want to build. In a perfect world, I'll choose two that compliment each other, just in case I get half way through and settle on a unified army of two chapters instead of two individual chapters. In a perfect world I'll end up with two outstanding armies.

So my next step is to decide which two armies. They will both need to be radically different in terms of tactical organization, so I'm not just playing the same army painted two different ways. My options are nearly endless with the combinations, but I will be keeping to established chapters from the lore of the 40K universe. Possibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Ultramarines
  • Salamanders
  • White Scars
  • Ravenguard
  • Howling Gryphons (Badab era)
  • Carcharodons (Badad era)
Considering I still have a lot of time as I build my Grey Knights army, I have plenty of time in deciding which two chapters. I'll be sure to update my thoughts here on the blog of course. I hope this exercise helps other newbs out there in deciding what they want to run by taking a good hard look at all of the options out there. I know it helped me. Before running through these posts, I was considering Dark Eldar, but I like this choice better. The Dark Eldar can be my 4th army!

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