Saturday, September 3, 2011

Why 40K? Part One

After listening to so many episodes of Independent Characters (a podcast), the subject of "why 40K" has underlined many of the topics discussed. Wanting to define my own purposes behind why 40K, I came up with the following reasons of why I am so attracted and attached to Warhammer 40K.

Social Aspects

While it is true that other game types has this as well and I have social circles surrounding RPG's, MMO's, card and board games, the community surrounding 40K is that much more intense (in a good way) due to the similar aspects we all get from the game from other factors. The RPG and MMO social networks are just as strong and fulfilling. There are other aspects though that bring this to even more fruitation. 


Not just in the form of who won what game, but who has a cooler army or a better painted army or a more fluff orientated army, etc. etc. While a marginal part of what I get from Warhammer 40K, it is still a part of it and beyond the simple W-L methodology of many games. This allows for people to shine despite a W-L record.

Artistic Aspects

Modeling and especially painting allows me to express myself creatively as well as admiring the works of others. Above all else, this facet of Warhammer 40K is something I haven't found elsewhere, though realize it does exist in other miniature games. However, other miniature games don't necessarily have the other aspects as listed here. Furthermore the artistic talent of writing to be found in the game is superb, with the only other game system coming close, being that of Dungeons & Dragons. While I haven't done this yet, I look forward to branching my own writing talents into Warhammer 40K as my experience and knowledge of the 40K universe grows and the mechanics of the game.


This is not a game for those of low intelligence. Tactical mindness, a love for problem solving and figuring out the meta-game of Rock-Scissors-Paper, mathematics and project management all are integral parts of the Warhammer 40K hobby and game.

Cinematic Imagination

While found in other gaming systems as well, such as RPG's or MMO's the militant and dystopian vision of science fiction meets well with my own interests in the field of science fiction is exciting. The story telling of the Warhammer 40K universe is broad and deep, with aspects found not just in the rule books but in the short stories and novels as well. Learning and reading this type of background and then seeing it displayed in front of you on the gaming table is an awesome experience.

Fantasy World

The universe of Warhammer 40K is large and well categorized and documented. Not so much "all" the information can be brought together in a database and not have several holes, but the fact that it is constantly being added to and filling those holes. It is one of the top fantasy worlds IMO and I love exploring such places.

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